Wake up
to possibilities

Sunrise redefines Business Intelligence. Sunrise combines thepower of focused operational knowledge, proven softwareexpertise, and IT excellence to bring significant and measurablechange to your firm’s bottom line. Sunrise will shed light on obscurefacts and guide you to a new level of revenue assurance.

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Why Sunrise?

Sunrise is an award-winning approach towards Business Insights. It isnot a technology project, but a management program to discoverinitiatives and bring their benefit to fruition.

Proven Methodology

  • Diagnose the root causes for which a company faces high losses and drain of critical revenue.​
  • Design, develop, implement, and monitor strategic initiatives.​
  • Tools, techniques, and skills to customize the revenue assurance program.

Software Tools

  • Commercial solution with built-in intelligence.​
  • Mobile apps and georeferencing to track and support field service teams.
  • Enhancing customer experience by creating web portals to empower clients to follow up on their information.

Operational Knowledge

  • Blending proven methodology, software, and highly qualified professionals.
  • Quantifiable advantages and benefits.
  • High density data and reporting.​
What you get with
Logo sunrise


Desired Outcomes

  • Fully customizable solution and tools.
  • Experienced professionals.
  • Highly trained personnel.
  • Measurable success.

Ideal Solution

  • Involves all business units across the corporation.
  • Needs to be part of the business objectives and part of the culture.
  • Adequate and measurable controls need to be in place to establish adequate ROIs.

Sunrise with Microsoft + Time Extender​

We leverage our expert knowledge with Microsoft and TimeXtender to produce quantifiable business results. We are Business Consultants thatmaster technology, not technocrats in business.​

Processes + Visio + Office 365 + Teams​​

Design, communicate, and execute using products you are familiar with. Processes are designed with Microsoft Visio and Microsoft Office 365 is used to communicate and drive execution. Leverage Microsoft Teams to collaborate and facilitate speed of execution.​

Business Insights + TimeXtender + Power BI​​​

Our group of experienced professionals use TimeXtender and Microsoft Power BI to manage volumes of data. One of the most important aspects of a Revenue Assurance Program is being able to manage high density data and reports, to be analyzed effectively and provide rapid responses. ​

Data Analytics + DevOps + SQL Server​​

Current, reliable, and clean data is gathered by software developed with DevOps and Microsoft SQL Server. With this in mind, a large amount of client variations are available for analysis, within minutes of gathering the information.​​​
Since June 2009, Truenorth has been providing positive income streams to the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA). We designed and successfully implemented the Non-Revenue Water Program using Sunrise (our Revenue Assurance solution) which on its first months, produced over $80MM in fresh revenue. Since then, it has created a positive income stream that builds upon itself and grows exponentially, exceeding 500% of its Return on Investment.​​

Well-over $500MM in recovered revenue​​​

Our proven methodology keeps performing, building up a positive income stream that exponentially grows.​​

500% Return on Investment documented results

Continually improving software tools to have the technology advantage on the established process, while enhancing customer experience.​

60,000+ annual field inspections, assuring efficiency

Current, reliable, and clean data is gathered by software developed with DevOps and Microsoft SQL Server. With this in mind, a large amount of client variations are available for analysis, within minutes of gathering the information.​​​
Early in 2018, just after category 5 hurricane María hit Puerto Rico directly, Centro de Recaudación de Ingresos Municipales (CRIM) launched an initiative to improve its billing and collections processes. This initiative was high profile due to the impact of hurricane María and the associated media attention.
With the implementation of our Sunrise solution, we were able to quantify over $250MM in specific potential yearly gains for CRIM, representing a 31% increase in revenue.

Well-over $500MM in recovered revenue​​​

Our proven methodology keeps performing, building up a positive income stream that exponentially grows.​​

500% Return on Investment documented results

Continually improving software tools to have the technology advantage on the established process, while enhancing customer experience.​

60,000+ annual field inspections, assuring efficiency

Current, reliable, and clean data is gathered by software developed with DevOps and Microsoft SQL Server. With this in mind, a large amount of client variations are available for analysis, within minutes of gathering the information.​​​
Copyright Truenorth Corporation 2024. All rights reserved. Version 8.0.0