As each of the services have a range of numbers, statistics canbe performed by each of the commercial agencies to easilyknow which services are used most in each office.
The system monitors the productivity of the employeesaccording to the attention, service and waiting times percustomer. It also shows how long an employee has been withoutattending any client.
Within the Back-End, the numbers can be assigned to thedifferent categories of the row. The system administrator will beable to assign the categories, in addition to users and their work profiles.
If the client decides to wait in the room, they can track their turnthrough a monitor. In addition to the status of those attended,you can place advertisements or agency’s educational orcorporate material.
The customer will have the option to monitor their turn over theinternet by accessing the portal designated for the agency. Theportal always adapts to mobiles for easy access. The agencywill also have the space available on this portal to be able topublish informative material or announcements so that itscustomers are aware of the information.
Monitoring employee productivity (real time) from any PC withthe Supervisor’s role. Back-End to control all the distributed turnsand their functionalities. A portal within our website that yourcostumers can verify the turns they have.