Compass is a meta visualization tool that combines the key benefits of visualization and business analytics engines, providing multi-platform application transparency, and automatic controlled publication of data to authorized users.


Compass is a meta visualization tool that combines the key benefits of visualization engines and business analytics engines, providing multi-platform application transparency, and automatic controlled publication of data to authorized users.

Compass has been successfully used by government and private enterprise clients to maintain and publish complex data, and quickly build visualization systems for broad publication.

The popular app www.status.pr was created with Compass.

What Compass can do for your

Manage Complex Data

  • Leave spreadsheets behind.
  • Connect to multiple data sources.
  • Configure on cloud or on-premise.

Multiple data sources from a variety of departaments/entities.

Communicate Critical Information

  • Data consistency across the organization or multiple entities.
  • Easy-to-read insights for fast-paced decision making environments.
  • Peer collaboration in a cloud based data portal.

Used as a primary communication tool during disaster recovery efforts.

Mobile First World

  • Native HTML 5 with responsive design patterns.
  • On-the-go information, always available.
  • Easy-to-follow modern layout.

24/7 C-Level Executive and operational dashboards.

What the experts are saying about Compass!

Drew Robb
Professional IT Writer and Editor
What is needed is a way to corral BI analytics and visualization engines, provide management with a way to control what information is broadcast, ensure they are operating off accurate data, and provide the means to take actions to correct problems rather than releasing everything automatically.

It is easy
with Compass

The benefits of working with Compass


The data within an organization is growing exponentially. As such, communicating analyses in a timely manner has become a challenge and might result on revenue loss. Using a spreadsheet to interconnect all data sources is not enough anymore.

Ideal Solutions

We are moving in a fast-paced-world.Data generation and gathering isoccurring almost instantly. As such, apowerful tool is essential to ease thedecision making process. One thatcan manage, visualize, andcommunicate the data from all ofyour departments.

Desired Outcomes

Whether it’s an API, a spreadsheet, or a database, connect to your cloud or on-premises data and easily customize your visualization.


Communicate results effectively,internally or to your stakeholders.
• Own your data.
• Facilitate data consistency andstandardization throughout yourorganization

Why Compass is better to publish your data

Copyright Truenorth Corporation 2024. All rights reserved. Version 8.0.0