Take control of your
 recurring expenses,
quickly  identify anomalies
and track the resolution
of exceptions.

What is MIGS?

MIGS is an integrated recurrent expense management and control tool.  Through interfaces to your ERP systems, it allows your Organization to identify billing peaks, and anomalies, such as power, water or other recurring services, and flag these anomalies for investigation and processing.  MIGS contains a dashboard to help with analysis, approval and exception handling tools to effectively contain costs and flag instances of error, abuse or fraud.

What is MIGS?

MIGS Success

For large complex organizations, with services budgets in the tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, spread across multiple sites in various geographic locations, MIGS is very effective acting as an automated microscope to detect and flag billing anomalies.  Our AI based algorithms and interfaces pierce the fog of overwhelm of data, to identify reasonable bills and expedite processing, and flag anomalies for further investigation.  Results vary from organization to organization and we have recorded budget reductions of twenty percent in a supplier billing hundreds of millions of dollars to a major organization.  MIGS typically pays for itself in a few short months.

Solution Components

Reduce and Control Accounts Payable

  • Detection Actual vs Projected Costs and stop automatic payments until the differences are resolved.
  • Move bills across your organization to involve line managers in the decision to pay suppliers, thereby increasing their accountability and involvement in the business.

  • We have seen cases of MIGS reducing by 20% services bills identifying errors, waste or excess.

Track and Manage Supplier Budgets

  • Assign and track supplier expected expense budget across multiple levels of detail.
  • Automatically approve conforming bills, and flag exceptions for investigation to the authorized personnel automatically, via email and SMS.
  • Integration with various ERP and CRM systems to cull and track bills.

Effectively Manage Exceptions

  • MIGS provides the method to track the investigation and decisions of exceptions to the bills in question, providing the method to store the evidence and decisions regarding a bill under exception. This reduces the admin overhead in tracking these and enforces a process to follow before a bill is paid, protecting the organization and its budget.
  • MIGS provides full transaction tracking and accountability of payment decisions.

Effective Payment Authorizations

  • Once payment is authorized, MIGS can interface with ERPs to authorize payment, or provide reports with transaction logging to approve specific bills for payment.
  • MIGS provides various methods to track these authorizations and provides dashboard metrics to graphically see the progress.

MIGS Integration Components

MIGS provides an integrated framework of billing analysis, case management, cases exception, accountability and reporting capabilities to control and protect your organizations services budgets.

Jonathan Díaz

Project Manager Software
Copyright Truenorth Corporation 2024. All rights reserved. Version 8.0.0